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How To Purchase Excellent Guides To Casinos


One of the easiest and most convenient ways of finding good books on all the different kinds of gambling pursuits is online. Go to online bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble or even Alibris and then carry out a general search. Note that the market is filled with different gambling books, casino games tutorials and winning betting systems. As in any market, their quality and reliability vary from one book to another. Many books were written by experts in their fields and can provide valuable information, while others are not worth your time and money. So how can you rummage through the vast mass of prints and online ebooks without getting drowned? One of the most important things to do is to read the different recommendations and reviews that others just like you have written. Pick those books that have been well reviewed and bought. Unless you feel particularly adventurous, stay clear from those books that have been rarely purchased. But there is a Golden exception: check the release date. If its very recent, then you will just have to wing it.

Before searching for a book on gambling in general try to narrow the search down by being at least game specific, so do not do a search for casino games, do a search for Roulette instead. This will show you books on the rules of blackjack, the origins of the game, and other basic facts about the game. If you are looking for something more specific then you can do a more detailed search like betting strategies for Blackjack. Another good idea is not to go too far above your skill level if you just state playing the game last month do not start buying books on advanced poker tips. At this point you should only be looking for beginners and easy intermediate advice.

Choosing the right book should be taken very seriously, as serious as you picked the university you went to. This book is what you are counting on to teach you things that you are going to be betting money on. The wrong choice will cost you. Before making any purchase, do searches for the Author, see what his credentials are. If he made a million dollars before he was 30 and made it all gambling then the book could be good, but if the guy is in his 50s and has been gambling and holding down 2 jobs, maybe he is not the one you want to take advice from. You may also come across some of their previous writings and can get a feel for their writing styles. The author may be a genius, but if you fall asleep after every sentence, what good is the material.

The price of the book is another thing that should be taken in consideration. Generally, not all the pricy books are worth their price even if they promise to solve all your financial problems for good. On the other hand, losing your money in a casino while trying to save money on a gambling book is not such a brilliant idea. Anyway, determine in advance how much you are willing to pay for a book on gambling.

Let us suppose you are on the lookout for a particular topic. The way to go ahead with looking for such an item is to explore each finding suggested by the bookstore very precisely. Why? There will not be many books written on that, and so you might think that you do not have a choice. Wrong! You do. do not buy that one without researching it as I mention in this article. For help, you can ask book forums or gaming lists.

By: Jack Reider

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Left alone at home, one winter day, Jack wandered into an online casino and got hooked. To learn how to play, he looked up bookstores, but found to his surprise that these weren't adequate. So, Jack made it his mission to study this book market and present his findings at:

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