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Poker Tips: Howto Spot A Bluff
I am please to announce the upcoming launch of LTD’s Poker School. This site is aimed at players at all levels to increase their confidence and performance at the table.
Today’s tips highlight “How to Spot a Bluff” is in association with our July promotion with Gala Poker.
Firstly you must learn the most common tells:
(Poker Tell: A characteristic behavioral pattern).
Number 1-5 are subconscious traits often the player will not be aware of the signs they are displaying.
1. The Eyes: Probably one of the easiest to decipher. Often a player will spend a longer period of time looking at their hole cards when they have a good hand. When the player is in a late position and is stealing glances at the players before him left to bet, it is likely that he is watching them to see if he should bluff/raise to steal the blinds. When a player glances at their chip stack after the Flop, this generally means they connected. It is an unconscious reaction that says they’re calculating a battle plan
2. Anxious Behavior: Signs of anxiety may include faster breathing, a slightly higher pitched tone of voice or a faster rate of speech, dry throat, dilation of the pupils and odd muscle flexing.
3. Facial Expressions: Generally, a nervous reaction or ‘tic’ (rubbing the chin, scratching nose, fingers through hair, etc.) is a sure sign of a weak hand. Observe players carefully to shed light on their future hands.
4. Quivering Hands: Trembling hands or fingers can be a sure-tell sign that they are holding a great hand.
5. Body Language: Some players will demonstrate changes in body language depending on their attitude and hand. Slouching would relate to a weak hand, while sitting up straight would mean they have a good hand. Leaning forward is often an over compensation for bluffing portraying a more intimidating, confrontational attitude, essentially daring someone to call their bluff.
Seasoned players will be aware of their tells and may employ reverse psychology as part of their strategy. Other tells include:
• Hole-Card Double Take: When the Flop comes down, revealing a potential Flush draw, many players will check their hole cards again to see if they have the suit. This usually means the player’s cards are not suited, but he doesn’t remember exactly what suits they were.
• Chip Stacking: If a player keeps his chips neatly stack and organized at all times, they may be playing a tight/aggressive poker strategy. In the same token, a sloppy chip stack can relate to a loose poker strategy.
• Repetitive Betting: This behavioral pattern takes time to observe accurately, players may maintain a repetitive betting pattern for particular situations.
Watch for these patterns and make a mental note, as they can be extremely profitable in the long term. Another option is to build up your experience on an online format and monitor your own tells ensuring you can keep them under control in live games.
By: Emma Gilbert
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
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