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Are Casinos Fair? Busting The Myths


A fair casino is something of an oxymoron, meaning that it's an inherent irony in itself. As I've explained in an earlier article, all casinos have a house edge, or advantage over the player, but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a way to make casino gaming fair.

In order to make a casino or betting game fair, the house edge would have to be eliminated entirely, making the odds of the player or casino winning even. However this is easier said than done as having a house edge results in casinos making money and lots of it, and I think they like making money so they're not going to take away their house edge.

As far as I know, there aren't any casinos out there in the real world that don't have a house edge, however I do know for a fact there is one online that has done away with their house edge in the interests of fair betting. Because It's not up to me to advertise for them I'm not going to mention their name here - you'll just have to find it yourself!

As for casino games, Blackjack is by far the most fair to the player as the odds the dealer and the player has are the same, however the casino does have a slight edge in the fact that not all the dealers cards are shown to the player, giving their hand some mystery and an air of chance.

The only other games that are really fair are games played against other players like poker, however in order for them to be fair all players would need to be of exactly the same skill level.

So is there such a thing as a fair casino? Well, seems not really.

By: David Morris

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David Morris is a seasoned gambler who has spent years in real-world and online casinos. You can view his mathematically-proven roulette beating program by going to this Roulette Beating Program and his knowledge on beating blackjack by checking out his Guaranteed Blackjack Beating Strategy.

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