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How To Make A Living From Playing Poker


Hello, my name is Paul Carey you may have read or heard about me from my review websites on the internet.I find popular interests and find and review products relating to them to help people like you from getting rippped off by the many online scammers!

I have read about many people having been ripped off by buying products that supposedly change how you play poker and how much money you can make.So I decided to take up the challenge of finding some good systems and programs that can help you make some money whilst having some fun playing online poker.

How to make a living from playing Online Poker!

The first system I found is called The Micon System,it is written by a successful poker player called Bryan Micon. This system took the author 8 years to research and compile and is my top choice.

On his webpage he actually proves that he wins by showing screen shots of his account which I found to be very reassuring. It shows how he won $30,000 in May 2006! That sounds like a winning system to me!

The system comes in mp3 which I love because it makes life so much easier than reading a massive book. Take a look at how many people are winning using this system by clicking on the link and scrolling to the bottom.

Bryan Micon has also recently added a piece about his success offline at the World Series Of Poker, go take a look.

All in all I found this system easy to follow, well put together and a massive turn around in poker profits. Although when I first saw the price I thought it was expensive, when I actually got the product and implemented the techniques I considered it to be very cheap and to be great value for money!

If the price initially bothers you you rest assured bacause he offers a full refund if you cant make money from this system, so to me that just proved how good this system is!

so dont just take my word for it, go and take a look...(click on the link at the bottom of the page)

Also....the last time I checked he was selling it at an all time low and throwing in even more extras so go and buy it now before the price goes back up.

For more systems I recommend to my subscribers visit my website......

Feel free to email me any questions just use the link...

Good Luck


By: Paul Carey

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Paul Carey is a webmaster of product review websites designed to help people pick the right products without getting scammed into a bad deal.

Paul currently has three websites.

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