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Conversations at the table Scotty Nguyen


Poker with Scotty

In you have the chance to see poker thoughts and experiences Scotty Nguyen'a, Master and King of the World Poker while our exclusive poker ambassador ...
Conversations at the table
Scotty Nguyen

In 1998 I won the WSOP main tournament. I was the champion of one of the most popular tournaments since then and still are classified as among the best poker players. All love to talk about what I said in the last hand to the 1998 WSOP tournament Kevin'a McBride: "You call, and it's gonna be all over baby." This is what many people do not know - I have always a very specific reason to talk to my opponents .

The conversation at the table is an extremely important element of the game. You can use it to encourage players to check the card and sometimes to convince them to their submission. Rivals sometimes devote too much thought to the analysis of your words and penetrating into their minds, you can control the action at the table.

Scotty Video Blog
Deal in the WSOP Main Event in 1998 was the perfect platform to blefowania and use the conversation to gain advantage. Kevin has seen a number of occasions when blefowałem. I was 9 when the table was 9-9-8-8-8, I could not put the whole thing - it would be obvious that I want to sweep the pot. Apply a kind of reverse psychology - I thought that udaję strong, and I am weak. I tried to believe in it, because I had the best hand.

In an interview at the table it is important to be able to "read" your opponent. If you can analyze and interpret the good behavior of your opponent, you are able to predict what is on hand. Sometimes, no matter what you have is - you can "play" cards your opponent. Speaking to opponents of the card - though of course that you do not know and blefujesz - you can baffle, begins to wonder how strong you have to have. Such a tactic is a well-check only if you are well able to "read" your opponent.

Using a call to obtain information from the opponent, it really does not want to hear what he says, but how to feel comfortable saying. Then pay attention to the neck on heart rate, blurred speech, tremulous voice. When you ask questions, which ask for control. The answer will always include at least a little bit of truth because the opponent did not have time to plan a response.

Do not fear Bring your opponent uncomfortable. What more sprawisz that will be felt niekomfortowo - especially before you reveal and reveal their card. Since when wyczujesz that you have it, that is weak - no matter what you have the card.

Make sure that you know you have a conversation with the objective of referring opponent. If you want to check to let them know that if you do it after all!

Scotty Nguyen,

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